At JE Fuller Hydrology & Geomorphology, Inc., we specialize in comprehensive post-wildfire risk management services to safeguard communities and natural resources. Our offerings include:
- Pre-Fire Assessment of Post-Fire Flood Risk: Identifying areas susceptible to flooding and debris flows before wildfires occur, enabling proactive mitigation and forest treatment planning.
- Post-Fire Flood Risk Analysis: Detailed hydrologic and hydraulic modeling to evaluate immediate threats to life and property following wildfires, allowing for timely response strategies.
- Post-Fire Watershed Recovery Monitoring: Implementing real-time monitoring systems for rainfall, streamflow, and debris movement to provide early warning and inform emergency actions.
- Cross-Agency Coordination: Collaborating with federal, state, and local agencies to develop and implement emergency rehabilitation plans for affected watersheds.
- Watershed Rainfall, Streamflow, and Camera Gaging: Deploying advanced gaging and camera technologies to collect critical rainfall and streamflow data as well as debris movement, enhancing predictive models and response measures.
- Post-Fire Design and Modeling: Engineering resilient infrastructure solutions to mitigate future flood risks and promote sustainable watershed recovery. Adverse impact modeling to ensure the functionality of designs.
Our expertise ensures that public agencies are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively address both pre- and post-wildfire challenges.