Specialized Services

JEF provides a number of unique specialized services closely related to surface water hydrology and fluvial geomorphology.

A few of these services include:

  • Stream Navigability Studies
    We have performed 100’s of title navigability studies on streams in Arizona, Alaska, California, Nevada, Utah, North Carolina, and Montana. These studies include reconstruction of statehood-era hydrologic and geomorphic stream conditions, evaluation of historical and archaeological records of river usage, and analysis of modern boating.
  • Litigation Support & Expert Witness Services
    We perform forensic and causal analyses, determine impacts of flooding and development, and provide court testimony to attorneys, insurance providers and individuals.
  • Riparian and Sovereign Boundary Determination
    These analyses determine the limit of public/private ownership along navigable streams and lakes.
  • Technical Training
    We offer technical training classes in a wide variety of drainage and regulatory related topics.
  • Engineering Manuals & Guidelines
    We have prepared hydrology, hydraulics, erosion, floodplain, alluvial fan, and development engineering guidelines for a variety of public agencies in the western United States.